Movies , The Internets

SXSW 2010: The Movies

Mar 23, 2010

If you’re interested in attending the film festival portion of South by Southwest, here’s a pro tip: You don’t need a badge to get into the screenings. I wasn’t aware of how things work there so I was a little confused that at any given screening there were at least 3 lines. I still couldn’t tell you what the difference is between a bade, pass, ticket, etc. but one thing I do know is that tickets cost $10 and I figured out that each screening comes out to around $50 if you buy a badge so the pricing doesn’t make much sense.

On the bright side, I definitely hauled myself to the various theaters around town more than I would have just to get my money’s worth! Here’s a list of the films I watched and my thoughts, good, bad or indifferent.

I waited in line for 3 hours just to watch a 2 min. trailer. A trailer you can watch for free below. Pretty crazy. The 1 hour Q&A with Robert Rodriguez, concept art, predator head prop, free Tshirt and autographed poster made it worth it though.


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The People Vs. George Lucas
This was a pretty entertaining movie to watch if you are a Star Wars fan. I gave it 3/5 though because ultimately there is nothing expressed in the movie that if you are a Star Wars fan you haven’t expressed yourself or had expressed to you by a friend. The movie just captures this discussion, had by millions of fans countless times, for posterity. I was really ecstatic though that my favorite reviewer on Aint it Cool News, Quint, had the exact same opinion as me about the movie (which means we both saw it in the same theater!).

Animated Shorts
I wish I had made it out to more of the shorts. They play a dozen or so at one showing and there is a wide variety so you’re bound to see something you like. I did make it to the animated shorts and there were several that I thought were great. My three favorites were Poppy, Bygone Behemoth and The Orange. Poppy in particular blew me away.

A coming of age/college story. Well told, well made, well acted. Not my cup of tea.

An amazing sci-fi movie which amazingly was made on a shoestring budget.